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Christopher Mitchell

As a long time resident of Colorado Springs and registered with the American Constitution Party (ACP), Christopher is running for Colorado's 5th Congressional District (CD-05) in the 2022 election cycle. Currently, based out of Colorado Springs, he is employed as an Electrical Engineering Contractor supporting various technical companies in Colorado and New Mexico. Christopher's hallmark is his notoriety as an outdoor enthusiast and Community Advocate for the residents of Colorado Springs, above all, protecting our God given Rights outlined in the U.S. Constitution, reinforcing American Exceptionalism in everyday living, and defending American sovereignty from subversion both internal and external. He is a Patriot, Constitutional Conservative, transformational leader, and rugged individualist ready to represent the residents of Colorado's 5th Congressional District. Christopher is running on a pro-America, pro-Life, pro-Family, pro-Worker, limited Government platform that includes: Devotion to and practical application of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights Freedom from Government overreach and intimidation against American Citizens States' rights and Federalism (Tenth Amendment) Fiscal responsibility and accountability in Government American Sovereignty Natural Law “Peace Through Strength” + “America First” worldview