Each state has unique requirments for presidential ballot access. Some are based on registration, others on petition requirements.
National SiteOur founding fathers had a lot of wisdom and sometimes a fair amount of humor.
Page under ContructionThe pre-born child, whose life begins at fertilization, is a human being created in God’s image. The first duty of the law is to prevent the shedding of innocent blood. It is, therefore, the duty of all civil governments to secure and to safeguard the lives of the pre-born. To that end, the Constitution of the United States was ordained and established for “ourselves and our posterity.” Under no circumstances may the federal government fund or otherwise support any state or local government or any organization or entity, foreign or domestic, which advocates, encourages or participates in the practice of abortion. The right to life should not be made dependent upon a vote of a majority of any legislative body.In addition, we oppose the funding and legalization of bio-research involving human embryonic or pre-embryonic cells. Finally, we also oppose all government “legalization” of euthanasia, infanticide and suicide.
Article I of the Bill of Rights reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Our Constitution grants no authority to the federal government either to grant or deny the religious expressions of the people in any place. Both the First and Tenth Amendments forbid such tyranny. We call upon all branches of government to cease their attacks on the religious liberties of the people and the states, regardless of the forum in which these liberties are exercised.We assert that any form of taxation on churches and other religious organizations is a direct and dangerous step toward state control of the church. Such intrusion is prohibited by the Constitution and must be halted.We assert that private organizations such as the Boy Scouts of America, can determine their own membership, volunteers, and employment based on their oaths and creeds.
We assert that the traditional nuclear family, consisting of one man and one woman joined by marriage, is the healthiest and most secure relationship, and form of family, in which to create a stable and prosperous environment to establish and build strong families. We believe it is the best form of family and should be encouraged by law.
We affirm the Fourth Amendment right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, including arbitrary or de facto registration, general and unwarranted electronic surveillance, national computer databases, and national identification cards. We also reaffirm that civil governments must be strictly limited in their powers to intrude upon the persons and private property of individual citizens, in particular, that no place be searched and no thing be seized, except upon proof of probable cause that a crime has been committed and the proper judicial warrant issued.We assert our opposition to using Eminent Domain to take private property, through the force of government, from one private party to give to another.
The right to bear arms is inherent in the right of self defense, defense of the family, and defense against tyranny, conferred on the individual and the community by our Creator to safeguard life, liberty, and property, as well as to help preserve the independence of the nation.The right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution; it may not properly be infringed upon or denied. The American Constitution Party upholds the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms. We oppose attempts to prohibit ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens, and stand against all laws which would require the registration of guns or ammunition.
The United States is properly a free and sovereign republic which should strive to live in peace with all nations, without interfering in their internal affairs, and without permitting their interference in ours. We are, therefore, unalterably opposed to entangling alliances – via treaties, or any other form of commitment which compromise our national sovereignty, or commit us to intervention in foreign wars.
We assert that we are opposed to Federal Aid, Foreign Aid and National health care.We deny the assumption that civil government has the authority to set wages and prices; so doing is inconsistent with principles of individual liberty and the free market.
The estimable responsibility to educate our youth should and does ultimately lie with the parents and no government should infringe on the parent s right to educate their children in the method they see best or prevent them from enrolling their child in the school of their choice as they may see fit for the future of their posterity. In order to allow and promote the education of our state s youth and see improvement in the state s educational system we strongly believe that parents who wish their children to be educated outside of the government run school system, whether home school, private, religious or otherwise ought to receive equitable tax relief. To ensure that legislation is comprehensible and that citizens have the time to read and understand those regulations and laws that their elected representatives wish to put into effect we believe that all legislation must only be on one issue or topic and no unrelated riders or amendments should be placed in any bill. All non-emergency bills must be in the public domain for at least two weeks before a vote may be conducted.
To ensure that legislation is comprehensible and that citizens have the time to read and understand those regulations and laws that their elected representatives wish to put into effect we believe that all legislation must only be on one issue or topic and no unrelated riders or amendments should be placed in any bill. All non-emergency bills must be in the public domain for at least two weeks before a vote may be conducted.
The ACP affirms and adopts the platform of the national Constitution Party with the exception of those specified in the Essential Core Values and Preamble of the ACP.
The mission of the ACP is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity through the election, at all levels of government, of Constitution Party candidates who will uphold the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, and The Constitution of Colorado. It is our goal to limit the federal government to its delegated, enumerated, Constitutional functions, and the state government to its functions.
Learn morethe midterm elections are closer than you think. It will be our real chance to elect freedom-loving patriots instead of globalist Democrats and the Republicans, who silently stand by watching the intentional destruction of our country and our culture. Remember, our beloved Founder, the late Howard Phillips, originally formed this Party knowing full well that neither Ds nor Rs were following the Constitution or representing the values of our citizens. It is, therefore, incumbent on each and every one of our supporters to do everything possible to join your like-minded friends in an effort to “SAVE OUR COUNTRY”.